In 2008 Benetton Group puts the spotlight on Africa. Benetton's latest global ad campaign promotes the Birima micro-credit program in Senegal that receive financial support from the company. This is a co-operative credit society founded by the singer Youssou N'Dour.
This campaign features Senegalese workers who have used micro loans to start small, productive businesses. These people become tangible symbols of Africa that uses work to fight poverty, increases its resources and take back responsibility for creating its future.
According to Alessandro Benetton the project emphasizes "the new face of Africa" through entrepreneurial talent, hard work, optimism and interest for the future.
What's special about this program is Birima grants higher loans for a longer period of time compared to normal micro-crediting. It enhances the community's confidence and guarantees profits and development.
It seems to be an effective way of fighting poverty and is therefore a good choice supporting this project.
3 Kommentare:
I think that your topic is really interesting and relevant. I believe that in our times, all the companies with business in the global market should have to help the development of other countries.The issue is how to propose sustainable development model. Moreover, I have a doubt. Is it politically correct that a company promote its business (and increase their revenues) by advertising how they help other people?
What do you think?
Thanks for your comment! You adressed a controversial part of Corporate Social Responsibility and I really appreciate you did that.
There are critics out there who do not see any benefits from participating in CSR.
I think there is a certain amount of risk, that companies distract shareholders from failed practises in their core business. However, I see it from another standpoint. I think It is better to do something for CSR and it might be a consequence increasing the company's revenues, than doing nothing at all for supporting people in need, employees or for protecting the environment.
What is your opinion about this?
Estimada Claudia:
No se si lees español, ni si tan siquiera sigue activo este blog. Simplemente señalar que la responsablidad social de las empresas no puede quedar en una campaña de imagen que es a lo que se reduce en la mayoria de casos, incluso invadiendo campos de otros. En el caso de Benetton hay muchos problemas con colonos indigenas en varios paises.
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