TOMS makes a difference... For every pair of shoes customers purchase, TOMS will give a pair to a child in need. Since the beginning in May 2006, this company has given over 10,000 pairs of shoes to children in Argentina, and 50,000 pairs to children in need in South Africa.
I have heard of TOMS shoes during my time here in the U.S. In one of my classes the instructor showed us the video on YouTube about the shoe drop in Argentina and I was right away fascinated by this impressive commitment. So this company came first into my mind when I decided on the blog's topic.
The company's history is related to Blake Mycoskie's life changing experience in his travels to South America that inspired him to create the debut collection whith its vibrant colors and patterns. He was affected by the continent's poverty and health issues and set out to reinvent the traditional rope-soled Argentine shoes called "alpargata" for the U.S. market to give something back to those who have little. Therefore TOMS was designed with a single goal: To make life more comfortable.
For me, this an example of an outstanding accomplishment that helps where it is most needed. The video speaks for itself!
Source: http://youtube.com/tomsshoes
3 Kommentare:
Great job, Claudia. I really like your focus on positive CSR stories. We all need to hear more like this one from TOMS!
Welcome to the blogosphere Claudia! I admire your focus, and I will look forward to reading more positive CSR efforts.
Thanks Becky and Paul for the first to comments on my block! I'll try to keep the focus on positive CSR accomplishments.
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